5 Best Protein Bars for Weight Loss

Throughout my journey as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I've seen countless clients struggle to meet their protein needs on their weight loss journeys. Most people just want to know the quick ways to get their protein in without having to cook elaborate meals. Enter the Protein Bar.

I know, I know…you’re thinking, “seriously? We’re talking about protein bars? There are a bazillion.” You’re not wrong, and you’re not wrong for a reason – the protein bar industry is a strong one for a reason: People LOVE convenience, and protein bars are one of the most convenient, protein-rich snacks out there. But how do you choose the "right" one? Are they really healthy? Will they help you lose weight? How much protein is "enough"?

I'm sharing my top 5 picks for the best protein bars to support your weight loss goals. We'll be diving deep into protein content, added sugar, ingredients, and overall nutrition to help you find the perfect bar for your needs and taste buds.

Let's Talk Protein: Why it Matters for Weight Loss

Before we dive into specific bars, let's chat about protein's role in weight loss. Protein is an essential building block for muscle tissue, and plays a critical role in keeping you feeling full and satisfied. Protein also plays a role in increasing metabolism through something called the “thermic effect of food” or TEF.  TEF is the amount of energy burned from digesting, absorbing, and metabolizing nutrients and protein’s TEF is approximately 20-30% compared to 5-10% from carbs and fats. Additionally, protein helps preserve muscle mass, which is crucial during weight loss to maintain a healthy metabolism and physique.

So, how much protein do you actually need?

It depends on various factors like your activity level, weight loss goals, and overall health. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for 0.8 -1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. This is a minimum recommendation, and many prominent scientists and experts in the space suggest consuming even more protein, around 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight.

The Quest for the Perfect Protein Bar: Here are my Top 5 Picks!

Now that we understand the importance of protein for weight loss, let's get into the good stuff. Here are my top 5 picks for protein bars that deliver on taste, nutrition, and can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals.

1. Barebells

Calling all candy bar lovers, barbells are going to be your new favorite protein bar because how much they taste like a candy bar!  Barebells bars contain 20 grams of protein per 250 calorie bar. This gives them a fantastic protein-to-calorie ratio, making them a great choice for a post-workout snack or a satisfying afternoon pick-me-up. Barebells come in a wide variety of decadent flavors like Birthday Cake, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Peanut Butter Brownie, using a blend of whey protein isolate and milk protein isolate for a complete protein source with all the essential amino acids your body needs.

What to Look Out For: While delicious, Barebells do contain added sugar (around 5-6 grams per bar) and some sugar alcohols like erythritol.  While sugar alcohols generally have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, some people experience digestive discomfort with them. It's always best to check the ingredients list and choose a flavor that works for you.

2. Fulfill Bars:

Another bar that tastes like candy! Fulfill bars pack a protein punch with 15 grams of protein per 165 calorie bar. They also boast a great protein-to-calorie ratio and are a good source of fiber (around 5 grams per bar), which can further promote satiety and digestive health. Like Barebells, Fulfill bars come in a variety of tempting flavors like Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Cookies & Cream, and Strawberry Cheesecake. Fulfill bars use a blend of whey protein isolate and soy protein isolate for their protein source.

What to Look Out For:  Similar to Barebells, Fulfill bars contain added sugar (around 3-4 grams per bar) and sugar alcohols like maltitol which are totally okay to consume, but may just cause some digestive discomfort in some people. 

3. ProMix Puff Bars:

If you're looking for a protein bar with a unique texture and a “clean” ingredient list, ProMix Puff Bars are a great option. These grain-free bars are made with puffed rice and pea protein isolate, delivering 15 grams of protein per 165 calorie bar. They are also completely free of fillers, gums, and artificial sweeteners, making them a good choice for people with certain dietary restrictions or preferences. ProMix Puff Bars come in regular and vegan variations. Their regular flavors include Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Blueberries & Cream, Strawberries & Cream, Birthday Cake, Coconut, and Vanilla. Their vegan flavors include: Apple Crisp, Pumpkin Spice, Maple Waffle Crunch, Cinnamon French Toast, Chocolate, and French Vanilla! 

What to Look Out For: While the clean ingredient list is a major plus, ProMix Puff Bars are a bit lower in protein compared to some other options on this list. Additionally they tend to be a bit higher in carbohydrates (around 20 grams per bar) due to the puffed rice content. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if you're looking for a pre-workout energy boost, but it's something to consider depending on your overall dietary needs.

4. Quest Bars:

Quest bars are a classic in the protein bar world, and for good reason. These filling bars offer around 20-22 grams of protein per 200-250 calorie bar. They're also packed with fiber (around 10-12 grams per bar) which can help with digestion and keep you feeling full longer. One of the unique features of Quest bars is that they can be microwaved for a warm, brownie-like treat. However, some people find the texture of Quest bars a bit chalky or dense. Quest bars come in a wide variety of flavors, from traditional options like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Peanut Butter to more adventurous selections like Birthday Cake and S'mores.

What to Look Out For: Quest bars are known for being lower in sugar compared to some other protein bars on this list. They achieve this sweetness with a blend of stevia and sucralose, which are artificial sweeteners. Just a heads up, while it’s totally safe for consumption, some people may have a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners that can cause digestive issues. Additionally, Quest bars contain a fair amount of erythritol, a sugar alcohol, which, while it has a minimal effect on blood sugar, can cause bloating in some people.

5. One Bars:

One Bars are another great protein bar with a variety of flavors with only 1g of sugar per bar! They are comparable to Quest bars in their flavor, texture, and ingredients, packing 20g of protein and 200-220 calories per bar. They come in a variety of unique flavors like, Almond Bliss, Maple Glazed Donut, Blueberry Cobbler, Lemon Cake, Peanut Butter Cup, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Fruity Cereal, Cookies and Cream, Cinnamon Roll, and Birthday Cake! They are also gluten free! 

What to Look Out For:  One Bars are an excellent source of gluten free protein! Their ingredients also contain sugar alcohols and fiber so be mindful if you’re sensitive to these. 

The Bottom Line

There you have it, my top 5 picks for the best protein bars to support your weight loss goals! Remember, the "best" protein bar is the one that fits your individual needs and taste preferences. Consider factors like protein content, sugar content, ingredients, and calorie count when making your choice. Don't be afraid to experiment with different brands and flavors to find what works best for you.

Here are some additional tips for choosing protein bars for weight loss:

  • Read the ingredient list carefully. Try to stick to bars that have the least amount of gums and fillers. While again, these ingredients are safe to consume, they may cause digestive distress in some sensitive people. 

  • Pay attention to the protein content. Aim for bars with at least 15 grams of protein per serving.

  • Consider the sugar content. While some sugar is naturally occurring in ingredients like fruit, limit bars with a high amount of added sugar (more than 5 grams per bar).

  • Don't rely solely on protein bars. While they can be a convenient snack option, protein bars shouldn't replace whole food meals in your diet.

  • Be mindful of portion size. Even protein bars can be a source of extra calories. Stick to one bar per serving and avoid using them as a meal replacement unless specifically designed for that purpose.

Protein Bar FAQs

This blog post explored the top protein bars for weight loss, but you might still have questions! Let's dive into some frequently asked questions or common questions to help you find the perfect protein bar for your needs.

Q: How much protein should I look for in a protein bar?

A: For weight loss, aim for bars with at least 15 grams of protein per serving. This helps ensure you're getting enough protein to support muscle mass and feel satisfied.

Q: What are some good protein sources in protein bars besides whey protein?

A: Whey protein isolate and concentrate are popular choices, but there are alternatives! Look for bars containing plant-based protein sources like pea protein, brown rice protein, or soy protein (if you don't have allergies).

Q: I have a dairy allergy. Are there any good protein bar options for me?

A: Absolutely! Many protein bars are made with plant-based protein sources like those mentioned above. Just be sure to scan the ingredient list carefully to avoid any dairy products like milk protein isolate or nonfat milk powder. The Promix Bars are a great dairy free option! 

Q: Are protein bars a healthy snack option?

A: They can be! Protein bars made with wholesome ingredients, natural flavors, and a decent amount of protein can be a great way to curb cravings and boost your protein intake. However, be sure to read the nutrition label carefully. Avoid bars with excessive added sugar (cane sugar), unhealthy fats (like some vegetable oils), or artificial ingredients.

Q: Can protein bars replace meals?

A: Some protein bars are specifically designed for meal replacement, but generally, it's best to prioritize whole food meals in your diet. Protein bars can be a convenient way to supplement your protein intake or act as a healthy snack between meals, but they shouldn't be your primary source of nutrition.

Q: I'm overwhelmed by all the different protein bar options at the grocery store! How do I choose the right one?

A:  Don't worry! Consider your personal preferences and dietary needs. If you're watching sugar intake, look for low-sugar protein bars. If you're following a plant-based diet, seek out bars with plant-based protein sources. Think about your favorite flavors – dark chocolate, peanut butter, or maybe something fruity? Many brands offer a variety of flavors to satisfy your sweet tooth. Don’t be afraid to try different options, it might take a few tries before you find one that you love. 

Q: What are some other healthy snack options besides protein bars?

A: Protein bars are a convenient option, but there are many other healthy snack choices! Here are a few ideas:

  • Hard-boiled eggs: A classic protein source with minimal prep work.

  • Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of nuts or seeds: Provides protein, healthy fats, and fiber.

  • Cottage cheese with chopped vegetables or fruit: A filling and nutritious snack.

  • Apple slices with nut butter: A delicious and satisfying combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

  • Handful of almonds or pumpkin seeds: A source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber for a portable snack.

Final Thoughts:​

Remember, a healthy weight loss plan should focus on a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. Protein bars can be a helpful tool to supplement your diet and keep you feeling full throughout the day, but they shouldn't be the cornerstone of your weight loss strategy.

I hope this guide helps you navigate the world of protein bars and find the perfect option to support your health and fitness goals! As always, feel free to leave a comment below with any questions you may have. Happy snacking!

P.S.  If you're looking for more healthy snack ideas, or other ways to add protein to your diet, be sure to follow me on social media for more tips and tricks!


To your health and happiness, & protein intake,

x, Ashley

Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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